MB Teacher Magazine

Canadian History on Display

When you walk into the Red River Heritage Fair you’re greeted by the slogan ‘Because Canada is cool!’ and judging by the passionate projects in the room, the testament is heartfelt. The long-running fair just c... Read More...

MTS Equity, Diversity and Inclusion Scan

“Equity, Diversity and Inclusion consultants Drs. Catherine McGregor and Grace Wong Sneddon were contracted in 2022 to dive deeply into how–and how well–MTS has provided access, voice and safety to all members and staff of the organization. The result is compe... Read More...

Teacher Action Yields Bill 35 Amendments

After 12 hours of passionate and articulate arguments from Manitoba educators, the government made important changes to Bill 35–The Education Administration Amendment Act, including the expressed right to repre... Read More...

Supporting War-affected Refugee Youth

As a child I was affected by multiple wars in Uganda, my country of origin. School interruptions and displacement from my home were the norm. I lost my childhood friendships, family members, home, school, commu... Read More...

Resistance on the Giimooch: The Life of Mary Courchene

Resistance on the Giimooch: The Life of Mary Courchene, a comprehensive learning resource that includes sixteen lesson plans and a teacher’s guide, launches this month on The Manitoba Teachers’ Society website mbteach.org. Through storytelling both written and... Read More...

MTS Membership Poll

After holding the top spot for two years, COVID-19 has fallen off the radar as a concern for Manitoba’s teachers (3%). According to the latest MTS membership poll, funding cuts (35%), inadequate resources (33%)... Read More...

Shining a Light on Learning at WAG-Qaumajuq

Over the past years, WAG-Qaumajuq has undergone a transformation–both inside and out! As we prepared to open the new building, a group of Indigenous language keepers and elders gifted the Winnipeg Art Gallery with the Ojibway name Biindigin Biwaasaeyaah, meani... Read More...

Mixing it Up at Boissevain Collegiate

At Boissevain School, a core belief is that building connections is the key to success. Principal Stephanie Emberly is proud of her team’s work to create a school space that students are excited to be a part of... Read More...