MB Teacher Magazine

Counter Storytelling in Science Education

Storytelling is central to the human experience – helping us make sense of the world and our own lives. Stories can be found across curricular areas – including in the science classroom. Perhaps you have listen... Read More...

The Path Continues Beyond Self-Doubt

Ever felt like you’re constantly needing to prove yourself? Like an imposter at the front of your own classroom? You’re not alone. Through self-discovery and navigating the pressures of representation I have fo... Read More...

Finding OurWay Back Through a Lived Curriculum

My understanding of identity has evolved from external influences to a deep connection with my culture and language. Rediscovering identity as Indigenous peoples is essential, guided by the wisdom of Elders and Knowledge Keepers. This journey fosters a sense o... Read More...

Racialized and Tokenized

Education is the engine for change. It tirelessly works on all cylinders to keep up with society's constantly ever-changing pressures and demands. For racialized educators in Manitoba, the external forces exert... Read More...

AI in the Classroom

A mind-blowing tech revolution is bearing down on you as an educator. Open AI’s ChatGPT and a hundred variations of artificial intelligence are about to delight and terrify you as they claim space in your professional life. Even though AI apps and products mi... Read More...

Connecting with the Land & Stars

Centring traditional Indigenous knowledge and science is the driving idea behind the Tipis and Telescopes event which was held in Winnipeg in May, and hosted nearly 160 students from Frontier, Louis Riel, St. J... Read More...

All Persons are Equal and None is Other

With anti-2SLGBTQI hate on the rise, and homophobia, biphobia, and transphobia remaining rampant in schools, it’s more important than ever that we all come together to create safe and inclusive schools for 2SLG... Read More...

A Symphony of Change

Anticipation rises, and musicians create a cacophony of sounds as they tune their instruments. The lights dim, and I move to the edge of my seat. The conductor raises their baton. In one dramatic gesture, the magic of music fills the concert hall and transport... Read More...

The Council of School Leaders

School leadership is challenging (understatement of the year), and as a former principal at R.D. Parker Collegiate in Thompson, Manitoba, I say so from experience. Both then and now I’m a fan of any resources a... Read More...