MB Teacher Magazine

Empowering Students, Celebrating Culture

Marika Schalla’s career in education so far has been nothing short of remarkable. From being a leader in Indigenous education and language revitalization to earning multiple degrees, she has been a passionate f... Read More...

Building Community and Support

In the evolving landscape of education, affinity spaces for educators who are Indigenous, Black, and People of Colour (IBPOC) are a necessity. These spaces, designed to provide community, support and empowermen... Read More...

Normalizing Pronouns

Every year since I began teaching, I head into my classroom in August and set everything up to make sure that my space is inviting and welcoming. As I have changed schools and grades, from primary multi-age to adult education, my set-up has changed too. I used... Read More...

The Imposition of Teacher Neutrality

Throughout my career as a classroom teacher and a teacher educator, I have repeatedly heard different variations of the phrase, teachers should maintain neutrality in their teaching. Despite the pointed and tho... Read More...

Creativity in the Classroom

Part 1 Creativity is a powerful force. Offering engaging educational experiences for students is what we are all about. Conversations with school leaders and teachers tell me that things are approaching a new ... Read More...

Counter Storytelling in Science Education

Storytelling is central to the human experience – helping us make sense of the world and our own lives. Stories can be found across curricular areas – including in the science classroom. Perhaps you have listened to a riveting re-telling of Archimedes’ bathtub... Read More...

The Path Continues Beyond Self-Doubt

Ever felt like you’re constantly needing to prove yourself? Like an imposter at the front of your own classroom? You’re not alone. Through self-discovery and navigating the pressures of representation I have fo... Read More...

Racialized and Tokenized

Education is the engine for change. It tirelessly works on all cylinders to keep up with society's constantly ever-changing pressures and demands. For racialized educators in Manitoba, the external forces exerted in the opposing direction create drag and tensi... Read More...