
WTA Ratifies!

May 20, 2021 Today, Manitoba teachers made history! With today’s ratification vote by the Winnipeg Teachers’ Association complete, every public school teacher in Manitoba has a collective agreement until... Read More...

RETTA Ratifies an Agreement

May 20, 2021 The River East Transcona Teachers’ Association has ratified an agreement with the River East Transcona School Division. The agreement is as follows: Effective period: Four (4) years fro... Read More...

LRTA Reaches Agreement with Division

May 14, 2021 The Louis Riel Teachers’ Association has reached an agreement with the Louis Riel School Division. The agreement is as follows: Effective period: 2 years, July 1, 2020 through to June 3... Read More...

MTS 102nd Annual General Meeting

May 13, 2021 MTS Awards Life and Honourary Memberships Today, MTS recognized the accomplishments of two dedicated members: Ian MacIntyre, who was made a Life Member of the Society, and Terry Price, nam... Read More...

The Provincial Bargaining Survey is Live

For the first time in MTS history, the Provincial Bargaining Survey will be completed online. The survey is open to all MTS members. Participation is voluntary, but we encourage you to fill out the survey as th... Read More...

Slam the Door on 64!

What is Bill 64? The government’s Education Modernization Act (Bill 64) opens the door to drastic, harmful reforms to K-12 public education in Manitoba. It is an attempt to rewrite the conditions of teaching... Read More...

A Handful of Holdouts

School Divisions’ Failure to Settle puts Teacher Salaries at Risk MTS and local associations continue to reach settlements with school divisions across the province. There are notable holdouts, however. As ... Read More...

U of M Seeks Teachers for Study

Share How the Shift to Online Teaching has Affected You U of M seeks participants for study on how moving from face-to-face instruction to online platforms during COVID-19 impacts teachers Title of Study: T... Read More...