
MB Teacher Fall 2022

October 18, 2022 MB Teacher Fall Edition Goes Digital This issue of the MB Teacher celebrates all the “newness” of a new school year, with a pawsitively inventive approach to calming anxious student... Read More...

MB Teacher Goes Digital

Opt Into Print and We’ll Deliver Your Copy Directly to Your Home! At MTS Provincial Council AGM in May, a Resolution was passed requiring readers of the MB Teacher to opt into a print copy of the magazine. T... Read More...

MTS Launches Inclusive Language Guide

June 7, 2022 At the 2021 MTS Annual General Meeting of Provincial Council, a resolution was passed to ensure that MTS advocate for all divisions and Local associations to use language that is gender neut... Read More...

MTS 103rd Annual General Meeting

May 27, 2022 Women in Educational Leadership Network Formed It was resolved that the Society creates a Women in Educational Leadership (WEL) Network that would allow representatives to meet and coll... Read More...

MB Teacher Spring 2022

May 18, 2022 In this Spring issue of the MB Teacher, we’re wearing our colours on our cover with a roundup of stories on 2SLGBTQIA+ issues and mental health, plus an interview with the Honourable Way... Read More...

School Trustee Election Resource Guide

April 28, 2022 School trustee elections are a great opportunity for MTS members to having meaningful involvement in the political process because the individuals elected to local school boards have a... Read More...