
MTS Member Poll

Notice to members The Manitoba Teachers’ Society will be conducting its annual, province-wide random poll of members between Nov. 12 and Nov. 21. If you get a telephone call, you are encouraged to participat... Read More...

1919 General Strike Anniversary Wear

Order Your 1919 General Strike Merch Yes, you can order 100th anniversary 1919 General Strike merchandise just in time for the new year. Our good sisters and brothers at the Manitoba Federation of Labour (MF... Read More...

Blue Bombers BOGO!

The Manitoba Teachers’ Society and the Winnipeg Blue Bombers join forces on Friday, September 21 to honour our province’s public school teachers as the Blue and Gold take on the Montreal Alouettes. At half-time... Read More...

Fall Regional Meetings Set

MTS President Norm Gould will be touring the province over the next three months to meet members and gather information on a number of critical issues. We want to hear from you! You will have an opportunity ... Read More...

Partners for French Education Report

The Partners for French Education released a report, with guidance from several community consultations, on the future of French-language education in Manitoba. The report makes two recommendations, calling ... Read More...

Manitoba Pride Events 2018

See MTS at Pride! Get loud and proud! Join us at one of these spirited Pride events. FrontRunners Pride Run Saturday, June 2, 2018 Run: 9:30 a.m. Winnipeg Frontrunners is proud to organize the ... Read More...

MTS 99th Annual General Meeting

MTS Rally for Public Education More than 1,500 spirited public school teachers, principals, vice-principals and supporters packed the front of the Legislature Friday, May 25, putting the government on no... Read More...

Rally for Public Education

Join your colleagues to show that public education is our priority. Inadequate public education funding is resulting in cuts across the province. Teachers and principals are concerned that the quality of edu... Read More...