Teacher Evaluation

Check your collective agreement and the school division policy on teacher evaluation. In most schools, you will be evaluated during your first year. Ask your principal to clarify objectives, expectations and... Read More...

TEAM 2019

Technology Educators' Association of Manitoba & Vocational Teachers' Association of Manitoba A Hands-on Experience! Acadia Junior High, 175 Killarney Avenue, Winnipeg T.E.A.M’s annual Special Area Group ... Read More...

Looking After Yourself

Your work can consume you. There is so much to do and learn. Your personal life can often suffer in the first year of teaching. Find time to relax and exercise to relieve stress and make your transition easier.... Read More...

‘Twas the Night before New Year’s

By George Stephenson With a tip of the hat to Clement Clarke Moore (1779-1863)   Twas the night before New Year’s and all through the world We look back at the year and all that’s unfurled. Hi... Read More...

Classrooms in Caves

By UNICEF Syrian Arab Republic Children in the Syrian Arab Republic risk their lives every day just to go to school. Since the conflict began in 2011, there have been more than 4,000 attacks on... Read More...

Highlights from Bill 17

March 2, 2016 Read What Government and Opposition MLA’s had to say about Bill 17, The Manitoba Teachers’ Society Act and Teachers Overall Bill 17–The Manitoba Teachers' Society Act Hon. James Allum (M... Read More...

Bill 17

Bill 17: The Manitoba Teachers’ Society Act  This Bill modernizes the legislation constituting The Manitoba Teachers' Society, the representative of teachers in the province. The Bill continues the leader... Read More...

Pallister: Wage “pause” coming

Nov. 23, 2016 Premier Brian Pallister continues to suggest a freeze in public sector wages is in the works, but says he won’t release details for the time being. Speaking with reporters on Nov. 22 he said... Read More...

Bill 2

Bill 2: The Public Schools Amendment Act – Small Class Sizes K-3 The Public Schools Act is amended to require that 90% of the kindergarten and Grades 1 to 3 classes within a school division or school distric... Read More...