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MTS Privacy Policy (English)

The Manitoba Teachers’ Society (the Society) understands the importance of its members’ privacy and the sensitivity of personal information. The Society is committed to protecting privacy in its collection,... Read More...
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Code of Professional Practice (French)

Code de déontologie Les Membres sont tenus de respecter les principes suivants et le comportement professionnel de chaque Membre doit refléter tant l’esprit que la lettre de ces principes : La première r... Read More...
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Code of Professional Practice (English)

The Code of Professional Practice establishes the required standards of conduct for all members of The Manitoba Teachers’ Society, whether acting in an employed position under a Collective Agreement, or actin... Read More...

Inside MTS

What We Do The Manitoba Teachers' Society is the collective bargaining and professional development organization for all of Manitoba's 16,000 public school teachers. Founded in 1919, the Society provides ... Read More...
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Deferred Salary Leave Plan

The Deferred Salary Leave Plan features: A tax deferred savings plan that provides the opportunity for paid leave from teaching. Administered by local Division or District and by Investors Group/Gre... Read More...
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MTS-MSBA Group Life Insurance Plan

Introduction You and your family deserve the peace of mind that comes from knowing you have financial protection in the event of death or a serious accident. That's why The Manitoba Teachers' Society and the M... Read More...

Pension & Retirement

The Teachers’ Retirement Allowances Fund (TRAF) is the pension plan for all public school teachers in Manitoba. TRAF is governed by a seven-person board of directors, on which The Manitoba Teachers’ Soci... Read More...
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Long-Term Disability Benefits Plan

The MTS Disability Benefits Plan, formerly called the long term disability plan, is an insurance plan owned and operated by the Manitoba Teachers' Society. The plan has been in existence since the 1970s u... Read More...