December 16, 2024

Update on Bill 35

MTS staff continue to meet with government officials including the commissioner regarding the progress of Bill 35 and the teacher registry. The most recent meeting was on Friday, November 8, 2024, where several issues important issues were discussed:

  1. Timelines – The full online registry will be public on January 6th, 2025. The province will begin looking at defining competency standards for teachers with the hopes of adding more details on this later in 2025. MTS will continue to update progress on implementation, so continue to check this site for updates.


  1. What if I’m contacted – If you are contacted by the commissioner regarding a complaint or certificate review, you are entitled to representation. Please contact MTS at 204-888-7961 or toll-free at 1-866-494-5747 to receive the assistance of a Teacher Welfare staff officer.


  1. Exclusion of Names from the Registry – The Department of Education and Early Childhood Learning has provided a draft of the Application to Exclude Previous Name from Teacher Registry Form. Members may have a previous name excluded on the registry provided they can demonstrate that a disclosure on the registry:
  • would not align with another enactment in Manitoba or Canada
  • is prevented by an order issued by a court
  • could cause injury or hardship to a person
  • if the former name is inconsistent with the gender identity of the member.

The name exclusion forms are now available in English and French on the Department website:


  1. Clarification around definitions – MTS discussed the concept of employers reporting “any disciplinary actions” and our concern that the system will be bogged down by the volume of complaints. The commissioner made it clear that some issues are for the employer to handle and in these cases, the complaint will be redirected back to the employer.


MTS also sought clarification regarding what constitutes “significant emotional harm”, and provided definitions that exist in Workplace Safey and Health legislation and definitions from other jurisdictions. The commissioner appreciated our definitions and added that significant emotional harm is a high threshold. Currently the definition is open-ended and up to the commissioner’s discretion.


  1. Truth and Reconciliation and Cultural Safety – MTS shared its concerns and desires regarding the registry providing members with culturally safe practices. The department appreciated our information and asked for our research. They will be consulting with the Indigenous Excellence in Education Department to ensure that these concerns are addressed.


  1. Panel composition – Even though a change to panel composition would require a legislative change, MTS continues to raise this as an area of concern for members. We believe that teachers should be judged by a majority of persons holding teaching certificates. This is consistent with the process in Alberta and Saskatchewan.


  1. Suspensions – MTS raised the concern of teachers having their certificates suspended during the investigation process, noting that this results in teachers being placed on administrative leave without pay. The department is looking into this and will be judicious when suspending a certificate.


MTS is scheduled to meet with department officials and the commissioner again on January 16, 2025.

If you have a question about the teacher registry that is not covered in the Q+A, please contact:

Teacher Certification and Standards Branch

Telephone: 204-945-4720

Bill 35 Q and A ENG | FRE

Background on Bill 35

Teacher Action Yields Bill 35 Amendments

Bill 35 Amended to Include Right to Representation

Nathan Martindale’s Message on Bill 35