May 26, 2023
Delegates debated 38 resolutions covering a wide range of topics from workplace safety and health and better access to French language materials for French speaking members to a teacher conduct statement of belief.
The resolutions resulted in important bylaw and policy changes which are crucial in forging a path forward for actions, advocacy, and lobbying efforts to enhance the work of the Society and public education. To view the full list of resolutions, click here.
Here are some highlights from resolutions that were carried:
Emergency Signals
It was resolved that the MTS lobby the Manitoba government to fund and install visual fire alarm and emergency lockdown signals in all teaching spaces that are considered high-decibel areas such as: gyms, music/band rooms, and industrial arts spaces. The resolution is meant to address the issue of risk to staff and students who might not hear emergency alarms in loud spaces.
Adult Learning
A resolution was passed that the Society lobby the government to increase funding for Adult Learning and Literacy and advocate for a permanent departmental home in the Manitoba Education and Early Childhood Learning (MEECL). In Manitoba, Adult Education includes mature high school diplomas, as well as adult literacy programs.
Equity Audit
It was resolved that, further to the MTS EDI Scan, the Provincial Executive will incorporate recommendations into a three-year organizational strategic plan. The intent is to ensure feasible, sustainable and meaningful change outcomes are achieved as a result of the EDI scan, as well as to create a mechanism for ongoing review and reporting on EDI outcomes and progress through the strategic plan.
1922 Award
Peter Wohlgemut, B.Ed., P.B.D.E. (they/them) is the first-ever recipient of the Society’s 1922 Award for Service to the Teaching Profession. Wohlgemut has been teaching for 31 years and has demonstrated exceptional work in union activism, holding numerous roles in their local association, as well as serving on the Provincial Executive and MTS committees. Wohlgemut is part of the queer community and has been a fierce advocate for the 2STLGBQIA+ community, including their work in organizing the first Pride march in Altona.
May 27, 2023
New Provincial Executive Announced
President: Nathan Martindale – Winnipeg Teachers’ Association
Vice President:Â Cynthia Taylor – Louis Riel Teachers’ Association
Members at Large Elected:
Lindsay Brown – Seven Oaks Teachers’ Association
Sonja Blank – Mountain View Teachers’ Association
Sean Giesbrecht – Pembina Trails Teachers’ Association
Shawna Dobbelaere – Western Teachers’Association
Serena Klos – Sunrise Teachers’ Association
Returning Members at Large:
Chris Darazsi – River East Transcona Teachers’ Association
Jay Ewert – Evergreen Teachers’ Association
Kristen Fallis – Winnipeg Teachers’ Association
Cathy Pellizzaro – Thompson Teachers’ Association
Cathy Pleskach – Interlake Teachers’ Association
Joel Swaan – Garden Valley Teachers’ Association
2023-2024 Membership Fee
The active member fees for 2023-2024 will be $1123, an increase from the 2022-2023 fee of $1,098.