Opt Into Print and We’ll Deliver Your Copy Directly to Your Home!
At MTS Provincial Council AGM in May, a Resolution was passed requiring readers of the MB Teacher to opt into a print copy of the magazine. This is a big change with implications worth noting.
In recent years, members have had the option to go into their MTS MyProfile account and select the option to receive an electronic copy, rather than the printed magazine. With the 2022 Resolution, however, that option is reversed. Starting with the Fall, 2022 issue of the magazine, the default will be electronic copies distributed via email. Members who wish to receive a printed copy of the magazine must opt to do so in MyProfile.
In 2021, MTS conducted focus tests of the membership to better align the form and function of the MB Teacher with the evolving needs of teachers today. We heard what you said and made a number of exciting changes as a result of your feedback. The focus has shifted to news you can use, in your classroom and in your efforts to stay healthy and inspired by your practice—a tall order as we gradually emerge from the grip of a pandemic.
We also reduced the number of annual issues of the magazine, from seven to three. And we dive a bit deeper into content that delivers tangible benefits for the classrooms: important updates on bargaining and union initiatives, PD information that promotes personal and professional growth, lesson plans and resources you can draw on, and profiles of Manitoba teachers creating new pathways in their practice—content that’s sure to inspire discussion among colleagues. The reduction in the number of issues was also done to reduce our environmental impact: going from seven to three issues reduces our print run by 67,000 copies (and hundreds of thousands of pages) annually.
That said, one thing we heard loud and clear from our members was that there’s still a place in our lives (and hands) for a physical book or magazine. Some of us connect better with reading material when we can hold it and engage with it in a tactile way. And some of our members have unreliable (or nonexistent) internet service, which makes the print copy an essential link to their professional community and MTS colleagues.
If this is you, log into MyProfile here. Once you’re in, click the menu item “Make Changes” and in the drop-down menu select “Update My Info”. Under line item “Request MB Teacher” click “Yes – Print” and we’ll deliver your copy directly to your home!
If you haven’t yet created a MyProfile account, please do so. Your account is a quick and easy way to keep your contact information current, register for MTS events, and select preferences for how you receive emails and other correspondence from the union—as well as the MB Teacher magazine!
Opt in here for a printed copy of the MB Teacher!