May 27, 2022
Women in Educational Leadership Network Formed
It was resolved that the Society creates a Women in Educational Leadership (WEL) Network that would allow representatives to meet and collaborate with each other on this work. The recommendation came out of the 2018 final report of the MTS Women in Education Leadership Commission (WELCOM) with the goal of implementing accessible professional learning opportunities for women that are inspirational and support the development of skill sets that enhance leadership capacity.
Qmmunity Events
It has been resolved that the Society will offer Qmmunity events twice a year to ensure regularly scheduled networking and support events be held to build and strengthen a connection between the Society and its 2STLGBQIA+ members.
Per the recommendation from the 2STLGBQIA+ Ad Hoc committee, affinity spaces for 2STLGBQIA+ members to network, access peer support, and feel prioritized are imperative to creating a sense of belonging within the Society and to building relationships that encourage involvement in the union and in union work.
Queer and Trans Leadership Symposium
Per the recommendation of the 2STLGBQIA+ ad hoc committee the Society will establish a Queer and Trans Educational Leadership Symposium to support 2STLGBQIA+ members in participating in leadership roles.
The Manitoba Teacher Delivered Electronically
The Manitoba Teacher magazine will be delivered electronically to MTS members who have their email registered with their MyProfile account. Members will have the option to choose to receive a print copy instead of an electronic copy. Printed copies will continue to be printed and distributed to education partners.
Youth Service Grants
With the retirement of the Young Humanitarian Awards (YHA) it has been resolved that the Society will offer Youth Service Grants to allow many young people access to funds needed to get their initiatives off the ground.
Youth Service Grants will empower students to make positive changes in their communities.
Circle of Indigenous Elders and Knowledge Keepers
To advance the work of the Truth and Reconciliation Calls to Action within the Society and Locals it has been resolved that the Society establish a Circle of Indigenous Elders and Knowledge Keepers. The Circle will be comprised of seven Indigenous Elders, with representation from the seven different Nations in Manitoba. An ongoing Circle of Indigenous Elders and Knowledge Keepers will bring authenticity, consistency and a range of perspectives to the work of the Society.
Union Learning Grants
Member engagement, succession planning and capacity building are all important to the continued success of our union at all levels. Today the delegates to the 2022 Provincial Council voted that the Society undertake the development of a grant program to facilitate access to labour and union professional learning opportunities, with priority to be given to applicants from equity-seeking groups.
The grants will offset PD expenses and sub costs and will assist in helping build capacity for present and future union leaders.
May 28, 2022
1922 Award
The Manitoba Teachers’ Society will establish “The 1922 Award for Service to the Teaching Profession” which will be awarded to a member of MTS who has demonstrated exceptional work in the area of union activism.
The award will give the Society an opportunity to promote union activism within our membership and recognize teachers who go above and beyond for their Local, provincial, or national organizations.
The first award will be presented at the 2023 Provincial Council Meeting, following the formation of a committee that will develop the nomination and selection process for the awards.
The Provincial Executive Welcomes Two New Members
Two new members will be joining the provincial executive for the next two years:
Cathy Pleskach – Interlake
Jay Ewert – Evergreen
The following members have been re-elected:
Joel Swaan – Garden Valley
Cathy Pellizzaro – Thompson
Chris Darazsi – River East Transcona
Kristen Fallis -Winnipeg
2022-2023 Fees
The active member fees for 2022-2023 will be $1098, an increase from the 2021-2022 fee of $1,047.