May 25, 2022

When We Know Better, We Must Do Better

With more than a century of history behind it, MTS has evolved into a union serving and representing more than 16,000 educators province-wide. In that time, the Society has achieved much, advocating for the needs of educators, profiling the profession, and advancing the importance of a vibrant, effective, and appropriately funded public education system.

There is reason to celebrate all that has been accomplished. However, we know that the presence and voices of the privileged have guided our organization’s path, and that its structures, policies and practices may perpetuate a landscape that limits the full participation of all.

To identify and redress internal barriers to equity, diversity and inclusion (EDI), the Society has undertaken a comprehensive organizational scan in accordance with a 2021 MTS Provincial Council resolution. EDI consultants Dr. Catherine McGregor and Dr. Grace Wong Sneddon have been contracted to complete the work, set to begin the week of May 23.

The MTS EDI scan will include an internal audit of the staffing and leadership demographics, organizational policies, practices, and experiences of the Society, along with an external audit of membership and leadership demographics, organizational policies, practices, and experiences of the membership.

The study is sweeping in nature and implications. And, if embraced fully, could carve a path forward where all MTS members and staff may participate fully, engage deeply, and advance the work of the union in a renewed spirit of solidarity that gives voice and opportunity to all.

But to achieve our goals, we need to hear from you.

In the coming days, MTS members will receive an issue of The Sub, the MTS all-member electronic newsletter, via email. It will contain a link to the consultants’ independent webpage with details about a survey being conducted by Drs. McGregor and Wong Sneddon, along with other information about the process.

Note: MTS and its leadership will not have access to survey responses or focus group feedback, or to any information that would identify respondents. Your feedback will be accessed and analyzed by the consultants alone, and a report from the consultants will be issued to the membership at Provincial Council 2023, with an interim report prior to that date.

While member and staff participation is voluntary, the importance of your involvement cannot be overstated. In order for the Society to identify and redress systems that perpetuate privilege and exclude voices and experiences vital to our work, we must hear from you—without your perspective—this effort will be in vain.

Please watch for The Sub in your email in the coming days, and thank you in advance for your dedicated support of this historic work.