COVID dashboard for Manitoba schools

Information about COVID-19 cases in Manitoba schools is now available on the province’s new online dashboard.

The online tool identifies cases of COVID-19 associated with public and independent schools in Manitoba. The dashboard displays cumulative case counts from Sept. 1, 2020, as well as cases within the last 14 days, which is the duration of one acquisition cycle. The province says the dashboard will be updated weekly to show recent and cumulative case counts.

“A few months ago, we asked the government for more transparency around the reporting of COVID-19 cases in schools,” said MTS President James Bedford. “We are pleased to see this data because in the absence of evidence it is difficult to answer questions about how safe our schools are during this COVID-19 crisis.”

The dashboard shows since the start of September, there have been a total of 2,280 cases associated with schools, including 1,725 student cases and 555 staff cases, with 468 schools reporting one or more cases. There were 814 schools in the province as of 2019, according to the dashboard.

The online tool also includes a map to show where cases have occurred, and includes information on whether the student or staff member was at the school while contagious.

The dashboard can be found on the province’s website.