Teacher Input Needed

The annual MTS membership telephone poll is currently underway. During this time, you may be contacted by Viewpoints Research to share your concerns and priorities for this school year, as well as offer feedback on the work of the union. The telephone poll will conclude on October 27, 2020. If you have any questions please contact Samantha Turenne.

The CTF/FCE is also conducting a mental health survey of teachers across Canada.

We encourage you to complete the survey by end of day Sunday, October 25, 2020 to add your voice to this important and timely initiative.

Click here to complete the CTF/FCE survey.

If you experience any technical difficulties with this survey, please notify CTF/FCE by email.

The data from both surveys will provide evidence to inform advocacy and programming going forward.  Rest assured that all responses will be anonymous and treated with the strictest confidence.

Your participation is encouraged and appreciated.