MTS PD Day Still On

MTS PD Day will proceed with some workshops online and some in-person events, following a decision by the Society’s Provincial Executive.

The executive met after discussing the day with presidents of the Special Area Groups of Educators. The executive decided to advise groups to continue planning for Oct. 23.

The motion adopted by the executive was that “the format of MTS PD 2020 shall be online with the option for in-person SAGE meetings where circumstances allow.”

Programming for the day is in various stages with some groups completed and others just starting. The decision gives all groups firm direction.

The Society will also be promoting the day and encouraging the province and educational partners to support teachers’ participation.

President James Bedford has indicated to the education minister how valuable this PD day is for teachers.

“We have a rich history of working with superintendents from across the province, which has benefitted teachers and students alike,” he said after the executive meeting in a letter to superintendents. “We are committed to working purposefully with superintendents to provide voice and choice for teachers.”

Bedford asked that they be counted on to “honour our long history of universal participation.”