On Tuesday, July 4, a coalition of public sector unions, including The Manitoba Teachers’ Society, began court action against the provincial government’s Bill 28.
Below is a message to members of the Society from Norm Gould, MTS president.
A news release from the Partnership to Defend Public Services can be viewed here.
We are acting now to protect your rights
I am reaching out to you personally for an important message that will affect your income and your pension.
Today, The Manitoba Teachers’ Society will join with the Manitoba Federation of Labour (MFL) and 125,000 other public sector union members to protect your bargaining rights.
This morning, our Society joined the MFL in filing a statement of claim in the Court of Queen’s Bench including a request for an injunction against Bill 28 (the Public Services Sustainability Act).
Bill 28 is legislation which we believe is both illegal and unconstitutional. It has been passed by this provincial government and—if implemented—will strip you of your bargaining rights. Those rights have been protected by the Supreme Court of Canada as recently as November 10, 2016. But the Pallister government is rolling the dice to either implement it, or hold it over your head as a bargaining tactic to ensure that for the next four years your compensation is 0 percent,0 percent, .75 percent and then 1 percent – not anywhere close to keeping up with inflation.
Make no mistake. Your right to collective bargaining is one of the most precious rights you have as a teacher and member of The Manitoba Teachers’ Society. It is fundamental to your long-term security, to the health of Manitoba’s public school system, and to our own Mission Statement.
“The Society, as a union and professional organization, is dedicated to advancing and safeguarding the welfare of teachers, the status of the teaching profession and the cause of public education in Manitoba.”
The Society will communicate with members to keep you on top of the latest developments. There is strength in numbers and together, all public sector workers together, we cannot be ignored.
If you have any questions, please email me directly at ngould@mbteach.org
Yours in solidarity,
Norm Gould