Check your collective agreement and the school division policy on teacher evaluation.

In most schools, you will be evaluated during your first year. Ask your principal to clarify objectives, expectations and process. Obtain information about the process, the nature and timing of the reports and the expectations that will be placed on you. Obtain information about help available from other teachers.

The most frequently used criteria for teacher evaluation are:

1. Planning instruction and assessment
2. Classroom culture, classroom management
3. Instructional methodology including student engagement and ability to adapt for student needs
4. Professional responsibilities including collegial relationships and communication with families

If you are experiencing difficulty in your first year, do not hesitate to ask a teacher mentor or buddy to provide assistance as soon as possible during the year. If classroom management poses a difficulty, ask for a peer coach to observe and assist you.

Do not resign under pressure. When you need help contact your local teachers’ association president or a staff officer at The Manitoba Teachers’ Society in Winnipeg for assistance: 204- 831-3055 or 1-800-262-8803.